Core Values

The First Lego League core values are:

We are a team
We do the work to find solutions with guidance from our coaches and mentors
We honor the spirit of friendly competition
What we discover is more important than what we win
We share our experiences with others
We display Gracious Professionalism in everything we do
We have fun!!!

Core Values Questions:

1. What does Gracious Professionalism mean to you?
        A - Be kind and accepting of others and there ideas.

2. How could you display Gracious Professionalism in your life outside of FLL?
        J - By being nice to others outside of my FLL group.

3. What qualities are essential to good Team Work?  Is there one, in your opinion, that is the most important?

4. In your own words, what does “Coopertition” mean?  How has your team embodied that idea?
        J -  We participate in Team Building every meeting.

5. Did your team set any goals in regard to the competition this season?  What were they?
        T -Yes. We wanted to creat a robot that was desinged around the missions, NOT "make it work for them."

6. What did you learn this season?
         A - That Robots are very hard to program sometimes and that Team work is a lot harder than it sounds.

7. Have you learned anything in FLL that you’ve been able to apply to your life outside FLL?
        G - Our research for our presentation and programming

8. What sort of process does your team use when it encounters a problem or unexpected result?
         J - We work together as a team to solve the problem.

9. How does your team make decisions?
        A - We listened to the ideas and tried each and if one worked out better that the other we went with that. Or we would take a vote.

10. How is your team organized?  Do you have defined roles?  What are they and what do they entail?  Does everyone on your team participate in each aspect of the competition?
         A - We each had roles and if one was very large topic two people had it. My  role was Team Leader. It means that I have to try to keep the team together. It is really hard. and yes we all participate in all aspects of the competition.

11. There’s a lot to accomplish this season.  How does your team manage its time effectively?
        D -

12. Teams often have disagreements or differences of opinion. How does your handle conflict and disagreements?
        G - We either vote or compromise.

13. One of the core values is “We have fun”.  What has your team do that was fun this season?
        G - Every meeting we would have a 15 minute break.

14. How has your team interacted with the community this season?
        T - We presented our skit, showed part of are robot game, and shared what FLL is to a public speeking club.

15. Does your team have mentors?  What sorts of resources did you use to accomplish your goals?
        D -

16. Tell us one of the Core Values and describe how your team embodied it.
        J - What we discover is more important than what we win. We know that the most important part is not winning but what we learn and discover.

17. In terms of teamwork, tell us something you feel your team did really well together.
        G - We worked together and exchanged ideas.

18. In terms of teamwork, what did your team struggle with?  Were you able to resolve it?   How?
        T -At first didn't listen to each other, but we eventuly worked it out by going over how to act in team building before we start.

19. What was your team’s biggest success this season?
         D -

20. Looking back, is there anything your team would have done differently this season?
        T -

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